I am now beginning again to working on my new book. I say starting back because I went through a real low or what to do and how to write it. I hear author's have that problem so guess I am normal.
I want to get this book out there because I just know it will touch the life of almost everyone. There will be a chapter in the book that will hit home for you my reader.
Life can be challenging but it helps if we can share some thoughts that helps our fellow man. I always write true story's so hopefully you will be drawn into this story as I have been told over and over again how the reader was drawn into my first little book: "Suicide"
See it on ebook Amazon Suicide - an ebook by Sarah Tyler: AVAILABLE NOW - ONLY $2.99
Please check out my other blog, My Christian Journey Through a Fallen World. I would love to hear your comments.
Have a blessed day, remembering " Our God is in control"